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LWC Staff 


"Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers.  Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood."

Act 20:28


Mark and Donna Porado have been in ministry together since 1999. Donna served as a Youth leader as a teenager. They served together in Student Ministry from 1999 until 2009 when they became Lead Pastors of their church in Cleveland, GA.


Mark and Donna founded and led a Motorcycle Ministry that saw many bikers come to know Christ. In addition, they operated "Holy Grounds Coffee House" in Cleveland, GA. Part of that ministry was serving free meals twice a week and providing free concerts to students in the area.


In 2015 Mark & Donna moved to Jasper to become Lead Pastors of Living Word Church. They have 3 adult children and 5 grandchildren.

Mark & Donna Porado

Lead Pastor
Church Elders


Mark and Levonne Leuenberger have been leading and serving in various ministries since they moved to Georgia in 1989.  This has included leading children’s ministries, sound team, and small groups as well as serving in many support ministries. 
The couple started attending LWC when they moved from Atlanta to Jasper in 2019 and became members in 2020.  Levonne currently serves in the children’s ministry. 
The Leuenbergers became Benevolence Deacons in 2021.  In March 2022, Mark assumed the role of Executive Director of Ministries at LWC.  In this role, Mark oversees the day-to-day business and operational functions of the church. 

Mark & Levonne Leuenberger

Church Elders
Executive Director of Ministry (Mark)


Ryan has been involved in Student ministry since 2002, and has been around student and church ministries his entire life, growing up as the son of a Pastor. Lindsay has a heart for ministry as well, having been very involved in the youth ministry in her church until college. Ryan and Lindsay have been involved in a number of different areas of ministry together including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, leading small groups, and support ministries throughout their community.  They live in Canton, Georgia with their 3 kids: Kobe, Mason, and Rylin.

Ryan and Lindsay Smith

Students Pastors


Billy and Kim Echols

Church Elders

Before getting married in 2016 at LWC, Billy and Kim were both serving separately in the church. Billy started attending Living Word in 2008 where shortly after he served on the Guest Services Team and led the Iron Men Ministry.  


Kim came to LWC in 2011 and has served as Missions Liaison, Women's Ministry leader, and Prayer Team Leader.  In 2021, the couple became Elders of LWC and continue to serve both the church and the community they love side-by-side. 


Slayter, Megan & Isaac Kousek

Worship Pastor


Heather Schmidt

Children's Ministry Director


Shirley and Neil came to Living Word Church in 2022 following Neil's retirement as a lead pastor. Prayer has always been a part of her life, but it went to a whole new level under the leadership of a prayer pastor that served while Neil pastored in northern Indiana. After their move to Georgia, she led a community prayer ministry.  Shirley believes there is only a successful kingdom fellowship when prayer is the foundation.  Since accepting the opportunity to serve at Living Word where there was already a strong prayer foundation, the team has become 21 strong and growing. 

Shirley and Neil Horner

Prayer Team Leader (Shirley)


Pam Layfield is the Fellowship Deacon for LWC. Since helping her mother cook when she was a teenager, she has always loved to be in the kitchen. Pam understands the importance of fellowship that the word of God shares with believers.


Pam Layfield is a wonderful, daily example of someone who loves to serve by serving others!

Fellowship Deacon

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